Over 36% of Americans own a dog. Dog training helps to make life with your pet nicer. It is important that not only for your sanity but for the safety of your pet that they are well trained. Of course, that is easier said than done. There is plenty of dog training information available that can help you to train your dog. This information is not just for potential service dogs, all companion animals can benefit from a training program.
The key to success with any type of online pet trainer or dog training program is your consistency and commitment. Training requires the human trainer to show the dog that the rules always apply and always will be followed. There are clear benefits for both human dog parents and dog to go through a training program.
Benefits of Training for The Dog
Dogs are pack animals they like to know their role in your pack. A dog that understands what is expected of them can avoid feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Dogs worry when they are not sure what behavior is expected of them.
Having clear expectations can help to keep your pup focused and at ease. Training also helps to keep your pet safe. A dog that does not respond when they are called, or sit and stay when they are commanded, is at risk any time they are outdoors. Using dog training information to teach your dog the skill set that they need can help them to live a happier healthier life.
Of course, your dog wants to please you as the “pack leader” and when they don’t and you scold them or use body language to display your displeasure with their behavior, this is upsetting to them. Dog behavior training helps to form a better bond between you and your dog which they will benefit from.
Benefits For the Human Parent
It is a gratifying experience to be able to take your dog anywhere and know that they will be well-behaved. Oddly enough, most dog owners think that they do not need dog training information because their dog behaves better than other dogs. Well, there is always room for improvement even if you think your pup has the best training.
Most of the time, training problems are not the dog’s problems but the problem of the humans that live with them. Dogs need to be trained, training is love, yet many people feel “bad” to train their dogs.
A well-trained, well-behaved dog is a pleasure to live with and build a relationship with. An online pet trainer can help provide dog training, which is the ticket to creating that loving relationship with your dog that you want.
Why Dogs Are Good Pets
It’s easy to see why dogs are good pets. Dogs bring a lot to their families. They are loving, they are protective, they are fun, and they thoroughly enjoy being with their family members. A dog can provide emotional support. They are highly trainable and give unconditional love.
For centuries dogs have been the companion of choice. Most owners find that their dogs make their life complete. Having a well-trained dog that obeys is an experience everyone should have.
Before The Training
Before you start a training program with your dog you want to make sure that you have certain things in place that can help them succeed at training including:
- A space for the dog
- A local vet to provide health care
- Toys, feeding dishes and pet care products
Every dog needs its own space. Designate a space that your dog can go to for peace and quiet, outfit the space with a dog bed. Older dogs will really appreciate a therapeutic dog bed. This space will become their own little sanctuary when they need a break.
You want to choose a trusted vet that can partner with you to keep your dog healthy. A vet is a great resource for information, preventive health care, and health treatments when necessary. Before you start your training program it is always a good idea to start out with a clean bill of health.
Be sure that your pet has a designated eating area and the right pet care supplies on hand. Personal hygiene products, training tools, treats, and toys are all important parts of training.
You Have To Be Committed
According to much of the dog training information out there, any dog of any age can be trained. Set goals for your dog’s training and start with basic dog training tips. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to pets training. You must put the time in to get the results.
Before you can train your dog, you have to be in the mind set to train your dog. Set up a schedule that you can stick to. It is important that you are consistent and available to follow through with the training.
While it is a good idea to get the family on board with the training, it is important that your dog understands that there is a leader to the pack. One person should be designated as the person in charge of training. It is a good idea if that person is an adult in the household.
Once you have set up your schedule to be available for the training, then you can get started. Starting and stopping training can be more detrimental to not training at all. Commitment and consistency are two key ingredients to the success of the training.
Basic Dog Training Tips
You have to build trust with your dog. When you make a request and they comply praise them and provide a small treat. Over time you will no longer need to provide the treat or praise, it will simply become their normal behavior to obey your commands.
A great way to get started is to start a socialization program with your dog early on. The sooner your pup gets used to being around other people and other animals the better. There are classes and other opportunities to socialize your fur baby, take advantage of the opportunities.
Socialization is also important to help your dog understand that most people are not threats. Being able to trust your dog around people and other animals will ensure that you never have to worry about being contacted by a dog bite attorney.
There are a few things that fall under “basic training” including, potty training, sitting, staying and crate training. These basic commands are fundamentally important to help keep your pet safe and help keep you sane.
Crate training is one of the fundamentals that you want to get your dog used to. A dog crate outfitted with a comfortable pad is a safe environment for your dog. Some basic dog crate training tips include:
- Make the crate a place he/she wants to be
- Keep it in the bedroom near your bed
- Sit by the crate for the first few minutes
Introduce the crate as soon as possible to your dog. Puppies should come to their new home with the crate already set up. Put toys in the crate and give treats every time the pup enters the crate. Station the crate near the bed in the bedroom. Sit for a few minutes by the crate so your pup gets the idea that you are not going anywhere. Crate training can occur in short increments with the door left open until pup starts to enter on their own.
Puppy Toilet Training Tips
Along with crate training, toilet training tips are in big demand. Potty training is never as easy as you think it will be. Keep in mind that your pup is much like a baby, they have to go often and have very little control of the process.
Persistence and consistency is the way to achieve potty training. Follow these tips:
- Feed on a regular schedule
- Start out taking your pup out every 30 minutes to relieve themselves
- Take puppy out to the same spot every time
- Reward good behavior
Feed your pup at specific times and then remove the food bowl in between meals. Wait about 30 minutes after your pup eats to take them out. Initially take your pet out every 30 minutes, then with each passing week, you can scale down at 15-minute increments.
You can set up space indoors if you need to be away. Puppy pads are a great tool to have on hand and are mentioned in a lot of the dog training information from experts.
There is some really crazy dog training information online when it comes to potty training your pup. There are a few things that you should completely discount when it comes to housebreaking your pet. Some dog training information that you find online comes from inexperienced pet owners that think they are doing right but are not. Make sure you only take advice from an experienced online pet trainer.
Never hit your dog with your hands or any other objects and dog training information that makes hitting your dog an option is garbage. Never put your dog’s nose in their mess, it does not help and it is confusing to your dog. Never expect your dog (especially young dogs) to go more than 4 hours without relieving themselves.
Hitting your dog with your hands or with a newspaper or other object just teaches your dog that your hands are potentially a weapon that they should avoid. You can make noise using a rolled-up newspaper to startle your dog and get their attention but never as a weapon.
Dogs respond to kindness and habit. They want you to show them what they are supposed to do. Patience, gentle encouragement and a reward system is the key to successful potty training.
Sit, Stay, Come Are Wanted Behaviors
Three of the commands you want your pet to understand and obey are sit, stay and come. These commands are “control commands”. For example, when you are walking outdoors off-leash you absolutely want to be able to have your dog stop in their tracks when commanded to sit and stay. A lot of dog training information focuses on how to teach these basic commands because they are that important to know.
Keep plenty of treats on hand to teach these commands. Each command is taught in the same manner:
- Work on one command at a time until it is mastered
- Use the dogs name and the command together
- Provide a treat and plenty of praise each time the task is accomplished
We will start with “come” which many trainers feel is the most important command. Start practicing by speaking the dog’s name followed with a strong “come!”. Provide a treat after speaking the words even if they do not move. Repeat several times during each session. After a few tries of name-come, treat, drop the treat by your side after giving the order.
Eventually your dog will recognize that they must come to you to get the treat and will repeat the behavior. Sit, and stay can be taught using the same method. When teaching the sit command, you can gently press on your dog’s hindquarter and you repeat the command and withhold the treat until they sit.
Stay is the most difficult of the three commands to teach, but with persistence, your pet will be able to master it. First, you must teach your pooch how to sit on command, then you can move on to the stay command.
Say the pup’s name while they are in a seated position then follow with a strong “stay” as you back away. If they get up, repeat the process, sit, stay and back away. Provide a treat when they stay seated as you back away.
Barking, Jumping, Nipping and Other Unwanted Behavior
Some behaviors we strive for in our pets while others we want to quickly put an end to. Barking unnecessarily can be maddening and difficult to control if you let it get out of control. One of the worst things you can do to control the behavior is to yell at your dog.
When you yell at a barking dog according to all the expert dog training information, your dog perceives it as a game. They bark and you “bark” back. Excessive barking is actually aggressive behavior and something you need to put an end to with training.
Do NOT reward bad behaviors. It can be easy to throw some treats at a barking dog to shut them up, but all you are doing is encouraging them to bark the next time they want a treat. Ignore the behavior, and withhold attention.
Expert dog training information can help you to cut out the bad behaviors and encourage good behaviors. The right dog training information can teach both you and your dog how to navigate life together.